Create a New Intent from Real User Questions - Knowledge Base

Create a New Intent from Real User Questions

For when the question has no existing intent at the moment, but is asked enough by real users to be worth creating a new intent for.

How is this useful?

Sometimes users in real scenarios ask questions with an intent that had not been considered before going live. By adding new intents through conversational data, it helps improve the the virtual assistant’s scope and helpfulness in solving problems for users.

Steps to adding a new intent from real user questions:

Let’s say that the user asks a question that the virtual assistant has not been trained for, you can create a new Intent by following these steps:

  1. Click on the “Add as New Intent” icon 
  2. Return to the “Training Dataset: tab. You will see that the new intent has been created.
  3. Fill in the relevant content node in the “Answer” tab for the new intent, it can be plain text or a workflow.
  4. After you are done, enable the intent, and remember to click Save-Train-Publish.
  5. Return to the Conversational Data tab where you can start adding other similar user questions to the new intent you have just created.