How to Preview Web Widget

A web widget is the Bot application with which you can preview or embed into your website.

How is this useful?

Sometimes in the process of building or training the AI-generated assistant you would like to see the if it had been effective. You can gain a preview by going to the Web Widget on the dashboard and test the virtual assistant out.

Steps to preview web widget:

web widget
  1. Navigate to the Web Widget on the side tab.
  2. The web widget will begin to load and appear in the left panel. You may click on the launch icon to start the chat.
  3. On the right panel, you can also click “Open in New Tab” to launch the AI-generated assistant in another browser tab.
  4. To start your AI-generated assistant, simply click on the launcher icon at the bottom right corner of the browser.
  • For more information on how to preview the web widget, please view the video below: