
Craft your content effortlessly with our intuitive editing tool

Quick Reply

Quick replies are pre-defined short responses that the virtual assistant can offer to users to select.

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Buttons allows you to trigger different actions such as going to another content node or capturing data.

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Understand the Types of Content Nodes

Learn about the types of content notes that can be added to your Virtual Assistant.

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Different versions of a content node can be created, and you may set up different conditions for each node.

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Text Variation

Adding different text response allows the virtual assistant to randomly pick a response to return to the end-user.

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A card response provides a more contextual response through the use of images, description, link, buttons and quick replies.

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Trigger is where you can set up keyword capture, or capture by regex, e.g. patterns of a variable, or sentences and words.

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Setting Up Keyword Triggers

Triggers is where you can set up the logic to capture keywords/ recognisable patterns using regex, or entities.

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Sequential Message

Sequential message allows you to define the next step after a particular content node.

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Duplicate Content

To duplicate a particular content node including cards, buttons, and any other flows that have been created in it.

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Setting a condition allows the virtual assistant to respond with a specific answer based on the user’s inputs.

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GIF/ Image

Using GIF/ Image makes the chat more lively.

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First Steps to Restoring Dashboard

Restoring past version of your Dashboard

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Options for Buttons

In this article, we will be going through the four main options for card buttons and quick reply buttons.

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Capture Data Types

You will learn more about the types of data that can be captured.

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First Steps to Creating a Web Page

In this article, you will learn how to create a web page.

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First Steps with Adding Content Nodes

We will be going through how to add a content node for your virtual assistant.

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Editing a Content Node

In this article, we will be going through how to edit a content node for your virtual assistant.

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What are Content Nodes?

Content nodes are individual pieces of content that the Al-generated assistant displays to the end-user

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How to Upload Content Nodes?

You will learn how to do a bulk upload of content nodes, and how to maintain these content nodes.

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